Monday, December 12, 2011


(BEFORE old wicker chair given to me by my Great Aunt Marty)
O sorry little sad old wicker chair,

what shall I do with thee?
You couldn't even hold a hair.

I know, I'll sew up your seat with wire,
(AFTER -refinished chair)
by stringing it through and through,
This little old seat might even hold you!

After some care,
a touch of bright white, 
your seat is like new and starts to look right.

A pad for your bottom and a pillow for your back,
now this old seat is not ready for the heap.

It travels along dusty roads to our old hunting cabin,
where it sits in my room, 
and looks like a chair worth havin'.

Now it provides a place of rest,
so I can sit, read His Word and be blessed!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Love the poem almost as much as the chair! :)